November 14

Fun is Fun!!!

Fun is fun!!!Its the meaning of fun.Fun is when you actually enjoy something.Like going to the park and the pool.Fun is NOT I repeat not when you do anything alone.Lets say you go to the pool and you bring along a friend and beach ball.You actually have fun.Now lets say you go to the pool and just bring a beachball.You cant really do anything with it.That is not fun.I hpoe you learned how to have fun!

November 7

My Knees

                                        My knees                                                                                     I was walking down the street                                                                 Running away from the flees                                                                 When suddenly I fell and nearly                                                                         Broke my knees!!!                                                                          Fortunatley I didint but I hurt                                                                       myself really bad!!                                                                           What will my mom say?                                                                                          Oh my!                                                                                                     Oh god!                                                                                    What in the world happened!                                                                       What will my dad say??                                                                                 Be careful!!!!                                                                                                Your fault!!!                                                                                   My left knee! My right knee!                                                                          How will life be???                                                                                    I wont dare to look!                                                                                 Well…not yet!

October 31

Kids Stress Caused By Parents

Today we had a story book parade.Most of the school wore there costume,including me.We had Batman,Frozen, Francisco Jimenez,Iron man and lots more!!!Staff wore good costumes like Miss.Nelson,Cat in the Hat and Curella de Ville.Parents come too,as always.Most people don’t like parents coming to events because they feel embarassed.I dont make fun of them because I sometimes feel the same thing.Parents cheer you when your in the finals and you try to not feel embarassed.But sometimes you just can’t hold it and tell them to stop.When you get home they feel bad with the really long face you had. Now YOU feel bad for them and give yourself a promise that you wont do it again,but end up breaking it 2 months later at a ceremony.You think your the worse son or daughter and get cheered by them because they say that they won’t do it ever again.You feel relived for the first minute,but the second minute you feel bad for them because they really care about you.So don’t be scared to talk to your parents about this because it benefits you.I am one of those people that has gone through that and had expiriences and reccomend it personally to you by me.